DLIMS Punjab Contact Number Email Address

If you face any difficulty or any kind of problem while apply or renewing your driving license you can directly contact dlims punjab by dollowing contact options.

Dlims Punjab Official Email Address: For any kind of inqueries send your query at email [email protected].

Dlims Punjab City Traffic Lahore Contact Number: You can also contact Traffic Police Punjab Via following address and contact options:

Address:Qurban Police Lines, Lahore.
Phone:(042) 99204619-20
Fax:(042) 99203238
Email:[email protected]
[email protected]

In case of general queries or any confusion you can conatct us also .we will try to guide and faciliate dlims driving license aspirants as much as possible. Use following contact number options to contact us but note here we will only guide as we are not directly attached with official dlims punjab. To conatct Punjab Dlims office use above official contact numbers.

Contact Us For General Inquiries:

Thank you for your interest in DLIMS.net.pk. We value your feedback, suggestions, and inquiries. Please feel free to reach out to us using the contact information provided below:

Suggestions and Feedback:

We welcome your suggestions and feedback to improve our services and website. Please share your thoughts with us at [email protected]


If you have encountered any issues or have complaints regarding our services or content, please email us at [email protected]. We take all complaints seriously and will address them promptly.


DLIMS.net.pk Headquarters Islamabad, Pakistan.



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